

Padi inbrida.
Umur tanaman : 116-125 hari.
Tinggi tanaman : ± 106 cm.
Kadar amilosa : 23%.
Berat 1000 butir : 27 - 28 g.
Rerata hasil : 6 ton/ha GKG.
Potensi hasil : 8 ton/ha GKG.
Tahan wereng batang coklat biotipe 2.
Tahan hawar daun.
Bakteri patotipe IV dan VIII.
Anakan produktif banyak.
Potensi produksi tinggi.
nbred rice.
Plant life: 116-125 days.
Plant height: ± 106 cm.
Amylose content: 23%.
1000 grain weight: 27 - 28 g.
Average yield: 6 tons/ha.
Yield potential: 8 tons/ha.
Resistant to brown stem leafhopper biotype 2.
Resistant to leaf blight.
Bacterial pathotypes IV and VIII.
Many productive tillers.
High production potential.
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